These words, written over 50 years ago, remind us of the importance of music ministry to our parish. Our rich, Catholic musical tradition is a ministry of the Word of God, made more beautiful through song. As a parish family, we invite others to share God’s word through hymns of praise so that all may experience “fully conscious and active participation” in the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium #14).
Here at St. Boniface Parish, our goal is to create an atmosphere that says, “You’re in God’s house now and you’re here to be with Him, worshipping, praying, and giving thanks.” Singing and hearing hymns, melodies, chanted responses, the power or subtlety of the organ, or a solo cantor’s voice filling the space with the sung Word - all these elements work together to draw us into the mystery of that other world, which is eternal and timeless, like God Himself.
The bedrock of the music program at St. Boniface Parish is two-fold: the magnificent pipe organ, played by accomplished organist Scott Kemmer, and the St. Michael Hymnal, produced and published by our own parish.
We have been blessed by forty years of the gradual building of a music program whose goal is and has always been to unite the congregation in giving worthy praise to the Holy Trinity in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
This work of praising God through song is done primarily by volunteers who are passionate about Catholic music and who are dedicated to enriching our liturgy through and by their talents. For more information, please contact Mary Schnerre at 765-404-1728.
St. Boniface Schola Cantorum
The Schola Cantorum sings at the 9:30 Mass on a varying schedule, and also for the Feast of Christ the King, for Midnight Mass, for the Sacred Triduum, and Corpus Christi.
St. Boniface Chant Choirs
Gregorian chant is a collection of sung Latin prayers and scripture; and Gregorian melodies have universally and historically been the signature sound of the Roman Catholic Church. These chants have been a part of Catholic worship for centuries, and they unite Catholics all over the world. They are the words and melodies that the saints we read about, grew up hearing and singing their whole lives.
Gregorian chant is named after Pope St. Gregory the Great (590 - 604 AD), not because he wrote the chants, but because he organized them and began gathering them into the collection of chants that is still used throughout the Catholic world.
Our men’s and women’s Gregorian chant choirs sing during Advent and Lent, and on various high Liturgical feasts of the year. They typically sing the Entrance and Communion chants - in conjunction with our organ and cantor. We are currently introducing the beautiful Charles Thatcher chants which were commissioned for and included in the fifth edition of the St. Michael Hymnal.
Sung Vespers
For the past twenty years, our parish has offered sung Vespers on Sunday nights of Advent and Lent. These prayerful meditations with organ and cantor, and often with violin, cello, oboe, and other instruments, have been moments of grace, not only for our own parishioners, but also for the many visitors from other parishes and indeed, often from non-Catholic visitors as well.
St. Lawrence Adult Choir
The adult choir sings at the 9:30 Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month September through June. High school students are also welcome.
Choir practice takes place on Thursday evenings at 7 pm before the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. For additional information or to sign up for choir, contact our music director, Kevin Frecker, at [email protected]
St. Lawrence Children’s Choir
(Grades 3-8)
Our Children’s Choir sings at the 11:30am Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month September through May. Children 3rd through 8th grade who are interested in developing their musical talents are welcome to participate!
Children’s Choir practice takes place on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00-4:45.
St. Lawrence Cantors
Our cantors provide the important ministry of proclaiming the responsorial psalm and leading hymns at all weekend Masses. If you have a confident singing voice and would like to participate in the music ministry, consider becoming a cantor!
This is a good option for those who have busy schedules and can’t commit to singing with the adult choir.
St. Lawrence Contemporary Group
The contemporary group sings at the 11:30 Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month September through May. Emphasis is on a contemporary style that includes singers, piano, and guitar. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in joining!
St. Lawrence Instrumentalists
St. Lawrence Voice Development Program
Have you ever found yourself wanting to sing better but not sure where to get started? Would you like to join the choir or become a cantor but you don’t feel good enough? The St. Lawrence Music Ministry invites you to enter more fully into the mysteries of our faith by adding your voice to the voice of the angels! Contact our Director of Music, Kevin Frecker, to schedule one-on-one meetings that will meet you wherever you are and go at your own pace in your vocal development.